Circular Polarized FM Antenna

Circular Polarization Wide Band FM Antennas eletec. This  wideband FM Circular Polarization Antennas with maximum capacity of 800W and circular polarized N-type connector are very resistant and made entirely of stainless steel with PTFE insulation, they are detachable in several parts to facilitate shipping.


Circular Polarized FM Antenna-broad band

Circular Polarization Wide Band FM Antennas eletec


This  wideband FM Circular Polarization antenna with maximum capacity of 800W and circular polarized N-type connector are very resistant and made entirely of stainless steel with PTFE insulation, they are detachable in several parts to facilitate shipping.

This antenna is particularly suitable for urban installations where multiple reflections multipath are a problem and circular polarization dramatically reduces negative effects.

Stainless steel is pickled with an electrochemical method that makes it uniform in color and eliminates weld marks. All metal parts are grounded to avoid potential lightning problems.

For proper operation, they should be mounted on a support pole not too large and, if possible, without other antennas or metal structures nearby.